Is Venturing Underground at the Colosseum Worth It?
Hello, fellow globe-trotters! Are you considering taking a trip to Rome and debating whether the Colosseum underground tour is worth your valuable time and hard-earned euros? Fret not, for I, Erik, am here to guide you through this decision with insider insights.
Absolutely, sí! The Colosseum underground is most definitely worth it. It not only provides a unique perspective on the history and engineering of this iconic monument but also grants access to areas off-limits to regular ticket holders. Trust me; it’s an experience you won’t want to miss.
To fully appreciate the Colosseum and immerse yourself in its rich history and architectural wonders, taking the underground tour is highly recommended. Stick around for more details on what to expect and how to maximize your visit.
What Lies Beneath the Colosseum?
The Colosseum, officially known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, is a must-visit landmark when in Rome. While most travelers explore the Colosseum from the ground level and admire its architectural beauty from the outside, there’s a whole different world beneath the surface that many miss out on.
The underground area, known as the ‘hypogeum,’ is a labyrinth of tunnels and chambers where gladiators and animals were kept before being hoisted up to the arena floor through trapdoors. It is also where the intricate machinery that powered the various spectacles and events held in the Colosseum was operated.
The Colosseum underground tour takes you into the hypogeum, where you can see the remains of the machinery used to lift gladiators, animals, and props up to the arena floor. You’ll also see the small, dark cells where gladiators and wild animals awaited their turn in the games, giving you a glimpse into their lives in this massive structure.
Moreover, the tour includes access to the arena floor, where you can stand where gladiators once stood and imagine the roar of the crowd as you look up at the towering walls of this ancient wonder.
How long is the Colosseum Underground tour?
Typically, the Colosseum underground tour lasts about 90 minutes to 2 hours. This includes a guided exploration of the underground area, the arena floor, and the first and second tiers of the Colosseum. Some tours even include a visit to the nearby Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, so make sure to check the details before booking.
Can you visit the Colosseum underground without a tour?
Unfortunately, the underground area of the Colosseum is not accessible to the public without a guided tour. This is because the area is still being excavated and restored, and there are many fragile structures that need protection. The guided tours are conducted by professional guides trained to ensure both the safety of visitors and the preservation of the site.
Is the Colosseum Arena Floor worth it?
Absolutely, sí! (Yes!) Standing on the arena floor gives you a real sense of the scale and grandeur of the Colosseum. From here, you can get a 360-degree view of the entire amphitheater and imagine what it must have been like to be a gladiator fighting for survival in front of a crowd of 50,000 spectators.
Is seeing the underground of the Colosseum worth it?
Yes, seeing the underground of the Colosseum is definitely worth it. It offers a unique perspective on the history and engineering of this iconic monument and provides access to areas that are not accessible to regular ticket holders. The underground tour also includes access to the arena floor, which is another must-see part of the Colosseum.
Sustainable travel tip
Remember to respect the monument by not touching the ancient stones, disposing of trash properly, and following the guide’s instructions. Preserving these historical sites is everyone’s responsibility.
Italian phrases section
Before you go, here are 15 handy Italian phrases to make your trip more enjoyable:
- Ciao! (chow): Hello!
- Quanto costa? (kwan-toh cost-ah): How much does it cost?
- Dov’è il bagno? (doh-veh eel bahn-yo): Where is the bathroom?
- Grazie! (graht-see-eh): Thank you!
- Parla inglese? (par-lah een-gleh-zeh): Do you speak English?
- Vorrei un biglietto per il Colosseo, per favore. (vor-ray oon beel-yet-toh pehr eel kohl-ohs-seh-oh pehr fah-voh-ray): I would like a ticket to the Colosseum, please.
- Dove è l’ingresso per il tour sotterraneo? (doh-veh eh leen-gress-oh pehr eel toor soh-tehr-ray-nei-oh): Where is the entrance for the underground tour?
- Posso avere una mappa? (pohs-soh ah-veh-ray oona mapp-ah): Can I have a map?
- Dove posso trovare un taxi? (doh-veh pohs-soh troh-vah-ray oon tahk-see): Where can I find a taxi?
- Quanto tempo ci vuole per arrivare al Colosseo? (kwan-toh tehm-poh chee vwol-eh pehr ah-ree-vah-ray ahl kohl-ohs-seh-oh): How long does it take to get to the Colosseum?
- Posso fare una foto? (pohs-soh fah-ray oona foh-toh): Can I take a photo?
- Dov’è la stazione più vicina? (doh-veh lah stah-tsee-oh-neh pwee vee-chee-nah): Where is the nearest station?
- Che ore sono? (keh oh-ray soh-noh): What time is it?
- Quanto dura il tour? (kwan-toh doo-rah eel toor): How long does the tour last?
- Dov’è l’uscita? (doh-veh loot-see-tah): Where is the exit?
Remember, a little Italian goes a long way! Buon viaggio! (Have a good trip!)
The Colosseum is an iconic landmark that deserves a spot on every traveler’s bucket list. While the above-ground areas are impressive, the underground tour offers a unique and unforgettable perspective on the history and engineering of this ancient marvel. From the dark, narrow tunnels of the hypogeum to the sunlit arena floor, the Colosseum underground tour is an experience that is definitely worth the time and money.
Now that you’re all set to conquer the Colosseum, don’t forget to join our Facebook group at for more tips and to connect with fellow travelers.